Look at the text below. In 25 seconds, please speak into the microphone and describe in detail what the graph showing. You will have 40 seconds to give your response.
The given bar chart shows the information about average minutes without power per customer from 2011-2015 excluding major events, planned and transmission outages. To begin with, we can see that there are several sections in this picture which are ActewAdl, Ausgrid, Citipower, Endeavour Energy, Energex, Ergon Energy and so on. According to the paragraph from ActewAGL to Jemena, the largest number can be found in Ergon Energy which is about 270 minutes, while the smallest number can be found in CitiPower which is about 30 minutes. Last but not the least, from Powercor to United energy, the largest number can be found in TasNetworks which is about 150 minutes. Overall, we can say that, in term of Powercor, the smallest number can be found in United Energy which is about 70.