Some countries encourage teenagers to have the part-time job and see it as a good thing, while others disagree. Give your opinion and explain both views?
Recently many countries believe that it is beneficial for juveniles to take a role in part-time Jobs for various reasons, while many other countries argue to this belief as they believe that they should concentrate on their studies. Both attitudes will be analyzed before we reached to the conclusion.
To begin with, the importance of part-time job helps individual to gain knowledge in their respective field. Additionally, it broadens many ways to explore their talent in an early age. Part-time jobs also fulfil positively as individual get pocket money from parents, work part-time can earn their own and save for their future. For example, extra earning can help individuals to pay their tuition fees and other expenses if they belong to a poor family. Working as an employee, gain skills to work in a team and accomplish the targets on time which help in studies to make projects in a team.
On the other hand, some people think that teenagers have to focus on their study instead of earning money, as they are very young to work part-time after appearing in graduation then they have better opportunity to work full time. Additionally, working in early age can also have negative effects, focusing on studies can be denied easily. Obtained lesser marks in studies can close the door of many job opportunities. For example, doctors, scientist, I.A.S officers, lawyers need to focus on their studies in place of work part-time.
In conclusion, I believe that teenagers must focus on their studies hard to earn a better job placement in the future. The juvenile from all different fields needs knowledge and the best way to gain it, only from studies.
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