Look at the text below. In 25 seconds, please speak into the microphone and describe in detail what the graph showing. You will have 40 seconds to give your response.
This flow chart shows the information about the processes of Pu-erh raw tea and ripe tea. To begin with, we can see that there are several sections in this picture, that is, pan frying, rolling, drying under the sun, fermentation by mold, compression, aging by storage and compression. According to the graph, it begins with the process of pan frying. It takes 2 days to become loose raw tea after being dried under the sun. Last but not the least, it ends with the process of compression and it takes 3 days from loose ripe tea to become Pu-erh riper tea while it takes 1 week to be vintage Pu-erh raw tea. In conclusion, I think it is very beneficial because it tells me the information of the processes of Pu¬erh raw tea and ripe tea.